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ksun-logo.original.pngK-Sun Label Printer Supplies and Tapes

K-Sun Corporation is part of Epson Group Company, which now manufactures K-Sun printers and supplies under the LabelWorks PX name. Whether you need K-Sun supplies and tapes for an older LABELShop printer or are in the market for a new Epson LabelWorks PX printer in Canada, DuraFast Label Company can help.

We sell the latest Epson LabelWorks PX printers and supplies as well as replacement parts and tapes for legacy printers from K-Sun. In fact, Epson’s LabelWorks PX tapes are updated and backwards compatible with K-Sun printers. Thus, if there’s both a standard LABELShop tape and a PX version, either tape will work in your older K-Sun printer. On the other hand, the LabelWorks PX printers require the new PX tapes and will not work with the older tapes.

Start Your Search for K-Sun LABELShop Here

We carry replacement parts, tape cartridges, and supplies for older K-SUN printers.

Start Your Search for Epson LabelWorks PX Labels and Supplies Here

We have a large inventory of LabelWorks PX tape cartridges and supplies for Epson LabelWorks PX printers. PX tapes are backwards compatible with older K-Sun printer models.

Check Out the Newest Epson LabelWorks PX Printers Here

We also sell the newest Epson LabelWorks PX label printers to customers across Canada. Highly portable and built for real-world technical labeling applications, Epson’s LabelWorks PX printers are portable, rugged, and loaded with convenient features. Browse our selection of Epson LabelWorks PX label printers now.